Pink Wall

Beautiful coral garden with partly large overhangs

Gelbkopf-Muräne auf blauem Seestern, Oktober 2003Riesendrückerfisch, Oktober 2003Prachtsternschnecke, Oktober 2003Neonsternschnecke, Oktober 2003Karettschildkröte, Oktober 2003Kofferfisch, Oktober 2003
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Data & Description

Local dive center:


Das Wetter für
Puerto Galera


Book recommendations:

Lonely Planet Diving & Snorkeling Philippinesa

Lonely Planet Philippines (Travel Guide)a

The Philippines (Globetrotter Dive Guide)a

Diving in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailanda

The 50 Best Dives in the Philippinesa

Description dive spot:
Super nice coral garden with some sometimes very large overhangs. Octopuses can be found in almost every gap. Furthermore, it has black ribbon eels, leopard triggerfish and green triggerfish, as well as many boxfish.

Contributed by:
Alexander Schönleber, Clemens Wolfangel, Joe, Uschi Baumdicker

Last content update:



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