Found here.
A diver has to throw away his equipment and it has been in the sea for 3 years before it has been found. And the Apeks XTX50 aAmazon affiliate link: If you order we get a very little commision. Important: The price on Amazon does not change for you! It is just a bonus which we receive for the recommendation. regulator is still working. Cool thing. :-) I already know why I like Apeks. :-)
Found here, and here is the video from Apeks, who then tested the regulator directly for functionality:
↑a | Amazon affiliate link: If you order we get a very little commision. Important: The price on Amazon does not change for you! It is just a bonus which we receive for the recommendation. |
Truk Lagoon, still on my dive bucket list. I hope that at some point in the future I can dive there. Today I was reminded of this again by this video. This time even together with sidemount diving.
Musandam, never heard of it before. ;-) A mistake, after reading this (German) article at SPON and looking at the photos I want more.
Just rediscovered by accident. Two great videos from my favorite wreck, the Togo near Saint-Tropez, French Riviera. The videos have a great atmosphere, you need to watch it. And just try to ignore the poor white balance.
Apart from the fact that the athletic performance is inconceivable for me. Therefore, I have visited the Togo so far only with tank(s). ;-) Three times in summer 2005 with Martin Hess, a great video came out.
If I had never thought that a hurricane is capable of doing that – or put it this way: that it can do such a big change. Wow.
This extraordinary shot, taken by Tobias Friedrich, shows the Thistlegorm. Many were there, which makes the photo even more special. Wow!
Today I stumbled over this interview (unfortunally only available in German) from the beginning of 2017 through a Facebook post. Tarek Omar recovers the bodies of other divers from Dahab’s Blue Hole, Sinai, Egypt. Nobody recovered more bodies than he did.
Stay safe!