Le Grec

Small freighter near Giens, also known as "Le Sagona"

August 2005August 2005Das Gerüst der Aufbauten, August 2006August 2005
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Bug: 42° 59' 37.0" N, 6° 16' 42.0" E
Heck: 42° 59' 37.0" N, 6° 16' 43.0" E
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Data & Description


experienced diver

Former names:
Le Sagona

Type of vessel:

Port of registry:

Last cargo:
Wine, coals, cereals

53.30 meters

8.60 meters

808 GRT


Construction site:

December 3rd 1945

Reason sunk:
Sea mine from World War II

at Giens, between Île de Porquerolles and Île de Port-Cros

Minimum depth:
36 meters

Maximum depth:
48 meters

usually strong

Local dive center:
European Diving School


Das Wetter für


Book recommendations:

Dive Atlas of the World: An Illustrated Reference to the Best Sitesa

Top dive sites of the worlda

Description dive spot:
The Grec was blown up in two pieces by the explosion of an underwater mine. The larger part, consisting of the middle and the stern of the ship, is in very good condition. The bow is located about 60 meters north-northeast of the main part. At the stern you should not miss the propeller. Often you can also watch groupers here. The superstructures are located at about 40 meters depth. The propeller is about 50 meters. The wreck is wonderfully overgrown with gorgonians and huge shoals of fish seek shelter in its vicinity.

Contributed by:
Martin Sebald, Alexander Schönleber

Last content update:



¹ Dive site rating: The rating is a five star rating ("poor" to "outstanding") and based on the dive site itself and on the comparison of all dive sites in the area. It also reflects the personal opinion and preference of the contributor.
² Dive site difficulty: The difficulty rating is a five star rating ("beginner" to "technical diver") and based on the personal opinion of the contributor and maybe also on the experience the contributor had when diving this site. We take absolutly no responsibility for diving accidents or anything else. Please always be a safe diver and dive your level of experience and please also be aware of local laws and regulations there might be.
a Amazon affiliate link: If you order we get a very little commision. Important: The price on Amazon does not change for you! It is just a bonus which we receive for the recommendation.

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