
Torpedo-boat destroyer near Saint-Tropez

Schrottansammlung an der Espingole, August 2004Durchsicht (© Axel Gutzmer), August 2004Congeraal (© Axel Gutzmer), August 2004Viel verbogener Stahl, August 2004Congeraal (© Axel Gutzmer), August 2004Seitenwand der Espingole - die Holzbeplankung ist verrottet,  August 2004
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43° 9.80' N, 6° 36,30' E
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Data & Description


experienced diver

Type of vessel:
Torpedo-boat destroyer

Port of registry:


56 meters

6 meters

330 tons

Maximum speed:
27 knots


February 4th 1903

Reason sunk:
on calm sea and full speed accumulated on a shoal and sunk during the subsequent towing attempt

Point Andati near Cap Lardier

Minimum depth:
34 meters

Maximum depth:
39 meters

Local dive center:
European Diving School

Route planner:
Google Maps


Das Wetter für


Book recommendations:

Dive Atlas of the World: An Illustrated Reference to the Best Sitesa

Top dive sites of the worlda

Description dive spot:
The wreck is partially tilted to almost 60 degrees to the side. The edging of the bug has withstood the weight of the years a little better than the rest of the ship. Everywhere are missing large parts of the planking and the spans of the trunk are clearly recognizable as skeletons. You can easily penetrate the interior of the wreck in some places and admire the huge supply lines of the boiler in the engine room. The bow is covered with purple sponges. The propellers are almost completely immersed in the sand, only a small part of which can still be seen. Between the bow and the central part of the ship is a large cargo of bricks spread over the sand. In the middle part you will also find a lot of congers. Current is not an issue on the wreck, it is usually weak and the visibility is excellent.

Contributed by:
Martin Sebald, Alexander Schönleber

Last content update:



¹ Dive site rating: The rating is a five star rating ("poor" to "outstanding") and based on the dive site itself and on the comparison of all dive sites in the area. It also reflects the personal opinion and preference of the contributor.
² Dive site difficulty: The difficulty rating is a five star rating ("beginner" to "technical diver") and based on the personal opinion of the contributor and maybe also on the experience the contributor had when diving this site. We take absolutly no responsibility for diving accidents or anything else. Please always be a safe diver and dive your level of experience and please also be aware of local laws and regulations there might be.
a Amazon affiliate link: If you order we get a very little commision. Important: The price on Amazon does not change for you! It is just a bonus which we receive for the recommendation.

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