Dive site at the old Austro-Hungarian lighthouse near Rovinj
Data & Description
Diving Center Petra - Rifftauchplätze
(16. September 2005, 299.5 KiB, 496 Downloads)
southwest of Rovinj
Boat trip:
15-20 minutes from Rovinj
Minimum depth:
3 meters
Maximum depth:
22 meters
often and changing
Local dive center:
Scuba Rovinj
Description local dive center:
Scuba Rovinj is located a few kilometers southeast of Rovinj at Camping Veštar.
The Diving Center Petra, where we went diving in the 2000s, no longer exists, but the great diving boat continues going out to the dive spots with Scuba Rovinj.
Book recommendations:
Teti in Vis Island - New Art to Media Underwater Waterproof 3D Dive Site Mapa
Vassilios in Vis Island - New Art to Media Underwater Waterproof 3D Dive Site Mapa
Dive Atlas of the World: An Illustrated Reference to the Best Sitesa
Description dive spot:
The dive site is located at the foot of the small lighthouse island southwest of Rovinj. The lighthouse dates back to the time of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
The rocky ground drops off here flat and turns into sand from about 20 meters. Large boulders create an unreal atmosphere. The dive site has a very beautiful vegetation. In addition to shoals of fish you can also see spider crabs. Also lobster and sepia should be here.
Contributed by:
Martin Sebald
Last content update:
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