Motu Horahora (Fakarava)

Small island with big fish and nice hard coral garden

Felsformation mit Forellenbarsch im Hintergrund, September 2005Riff-Formation bewachsen mit Bogen-Porenkorallen, September 2005Riff-Formationen, September 2005Riff-Formation bewachsen mit Bogen-Porenkorallen, September 2005
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16° 11.015' S, 145° 41.452' W
Google Earth Placemarks of all Pro-Taucher dive spots with GPS coordinates Google Maps online map (opens in browser) TerraServer online map (opens in browser) open in World Wind (NASA World Wind Software is needed) MapQuest online map (opens in browser)

Data & Description


Das Wetter für


Book recommendations:

Diving & Snorkeling Tahiti & French Polynesiaa

Micronesian Reef Fishes: A Guide to the Coral Reef Fishes of the Tropical Central and Western Pacifica

Lonely Planet Tahiti & French Polynesia (Travel Guide)a

Dive Atlas of the World: An Illustrated Reference to the Best Sitesa

Top dive sites of the worlda

Description dive spot:
North and south of beautiful hard coral garden with occasional shark contact. At the eastern tip is everything your heart desires: almost full-grown blacktip and white tip reef sharks, eagle rays, big perches, barracudas, very large snappers, etc.
Unfortunately, the batteries of the camera were empty here ... :-(

Contributed by:
Alexander Schönleber

Last content update:



a Amazon affiliate link: If you order we get a very little commision. Important: The price on Amazon does not change for you! It is just a bonus which we receive for the recommendation.

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