Manila Channel

Varied reef, but rather disappointing, if you know the other dive sites

bunter Fangschreckenkrebs, Oktober 2003Stachelauster, Oktober 2003Zwerg-Büschelbarsch, Oktober 2003Fadenschnecke, Oktober 2003Rotfeuerfisch, Oktober 2003Blauer Seestern, Oktober 2003
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Data & Description

Local dive center:


Das Wetter für
Puerto Galera


Book recommendations:

Lonely Planet Diving & Snorkeling Philippinesa

Lonely Planet Philippines (Travel Guide)a

The Philippines (Globetrotter Dive Guide)a

Diving in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailanda

The 50 Best Dives in the Philippinesa

Description dive spot:
Reef not very nice! There are several snails, shrimp and lionfish, but it's not worth the dive! Highlight was actually only a mantis shrimp, which bravely went on everything that was stretched out to him.

Contributed by:
Alexander Schönleber, Clemens Wolfangel, Jens Stickel, Uschi Baumdicker

Last content update:



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