Vilamendhoo House Reef

For snorkeling and diving very well suited

Strand, August 2003Juli 2003Juli 2003August 2003Juli 2003August 2003
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3° 39' 12.84" N, 72° 57' 15.22" E
Google Earth Placemarks of all Pro-Taucher dive spots with GPS coordinates Google Maps online map (opens in browser) TerraServer online map (opens in browser) open in World Wind (NASA World Wind Software is needed) MapQuest online map (opens in browser)

Data & Description

Maximum depth:
South side ~30 meters
North side ~60 meters


Das Wetter für


Book recommendations:

Lonely Planet Diving & Snorkeling Maldivesa

Coral Reefs Maldives: Reef ID Booka

Lonely Planet Maldives (Travel Guide)a

Dive Atlas of the World: An Illustrated Reference to the Best Sitesa

Top dive sites of the worlda

Description dive spot:
Vilamendhoo is surrounded by 2 canals, which gives the house reef a great variety of fish. In 2000, Vilamendhoo (including the jetty) had seven numbered entry and exit points to the house reef, today it should be ten.
The entry and exit points are numbered with posts with a number. Since the guides on house reef dives always pick up the equipment at the exit points, they know from these numbers, where they have to pick up the diving equipment.
The dive sites have no names and therefore all are the "house reef". The south side with five entry and exit points is slightly sloping to about 30 meters. The north side with 2 entry and exit points is a drop-off that drops to about 60 meters. It is teeming with parrotfish, trumpet fish, rubberlips, surgeon fish, but also mackerel, fusiliers and moorish idol. Shrimp, turtles, rays and blacktip reef sharks are also found. While snorkeling on the north side we even saw a manta. The stone and soft corals had been quite affected by the coral bleaching, but this may have improved to this day.

Contributed by:
Joe, Silke Schwarz, Steffen Schwarz

Last content update:



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