Woodhouse Reef

Narrow, elongated reef in the Straits of Tiran

Oktopus, Mai 2007Oktopus, Mai 2007Buntes Treiben im Flachwasserbereich beim Sicherheitsstopp, Mai 2007Riesenmuräne, Mai 2007Prachtsternschnecke, Mai 2007Tauchplatzkarte, Mai 2007
Random gallery images, click for more.
28° 0' 6.00" N, 34° 28' 0.00" E
Google Earth Placemarks of all Pro-Taucher dive spots with GPS coordinates Google Maps online map (opens in browser) TerraServer online map (opens in browser) open in World Wind (NASA World Wind Software is needed) MapQuest online map (opens in browser)

Data & Description

Passport / visa:
The passport is needed, you need to have it with you! Also you need to buy the "big" visa when entering Egypt.

Boat trip:
about 85 minutes from Na'ama Bay port

Local dive center:
Sinai Divers


Das Wetter für
Sharm El Sheikh


Book recommendations:

Egypt Red Sea Coast (Berlitz Pocket Guides)a

Red Sea & Sinai: Includes Sharm-El-Sheikh, the Sinai interior, Hurghada and Eastern Deserta

Coral Reef Guide Red Seaa

Dive Atlas of the World: An Illustrated Reference to the Best Sitesa

Top dive sites of the worlda

Contributed by:
Martin Sebald, Alexander Schönleber

Last content update:



a Amazon affiliate link: If you order we get a very little commision. Important: The price on Amazon does not change for you! It is just a bonus which we receive for the recommendation.

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