Sha’ab Sabina

Reef between Big Giftun Island and Small Giftun Island

Korallengarten, Mai 2004Gezähnte Kreiselschnecke, Mai 2004Unser Guide schwebt voraus über den Korallengarten, Mai 2004Karettschildkröte, Mai 2004Überblick über das komplette Riff, Mai 2004Korallengarten, Mai 2004
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27° 12' 51.65" N, 33° 57' 11.55" E
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Data & Description

Alternative names for this dive spot:
Shaab Sabina, Sha'ab Sabrina, Shaab Sabrina, Shaab Sabina Garden, Sha'ab Sabrina Garden

Maximum depth:
12-14 meters

mostly from the north, little to very strong

Local dive center:
James & Mac


Das Wetter für


Book recommendations:

Egypt Red Sea Coast (Berlitz Pocket Guides)a

Red Sea & Sinai: Includes Sharm-El-Sheikh, the Sinai interior, Hurghada and Eastern Deserta

Dive-navigator Hurghada and Safagaa

Dive Atlas of the World: An Illustrated Reference to the Best Sitesa

Description dive spot:
The dive site is also often referred to as Sha'ab Sabrina and is located in the strait between Big Giftun Island and Small Giftun Island. Sha'ab Sabina is a reef tongue projecting eastward from Big Giftun into this road.
Around the dive site spreads a large and beautiful coral garden. Often you can see turtles, big puffer fish and other loners like parrotfish.
There is also the possibility for a drift dive over the coral garden.

Contributed by:
Martin Sebald

Last content update:



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