
Welcome to our website!


Diving – this is more than just a hobby, it is a passion. A passion that grows more and more with each dive. The underwater worlds are always new and fascinating. With our photos, videos, information and descriptions of many dive sites worldwide, we would like to pass on our experience. We do not claim to be scientific, but merely introduce you to the fascinating underwater world.

We, the Pro-Taucher, are a group of enthusiastic divers from the Stuttgart area in the southern part of Germany. Pro admittedly sounds a bit strange or even elitist, but derives only from an inside joke without any reference to diving from the time after the millennium. ;-)

In addition to the dive sites, sorted by continents, countries and regions, you will also find an overview of all our wreck dives sites.

For many years our dive log templates received a steady and growing popularity. For just about any common dive log book format you will find a suitable template for self-printing.

Ask? Suggestions? Ideas? Would you like to contribute something yourself? Fantastic, just contact us.

Good diving,
Alex, Clemente, Felix, Gio, Jens, Joe, Manne, Mario, Martin, SASA und Uschi

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